Dylan is at the Happiest Place on Earth (well, next to Adam’s studio anyway) and so it’s just a duo today!

Overwatch is going co-op again with the Storm Rising event, Super Meat Boy is missing it’s launch date for a great reason, review bombing Borderlands just didn’t work out, Apex cheaters are getting banned at a hardware level, Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are getting VR support, Twitter is making in-game dogs more pettable and Resident Evil 2 is letting you unlock rewards for real life money now.

Plus, tons of great questions, cheap and free games and even some Small Bites!

Chasing the Scream: https://smile.amazon.com/Chasing-Scream-Opposite-Addiction-Connection/dp/1620408910?sa-no-redirect=1

Moral Combat: https://smile.amazon.com/Moral-Combat-Violent-Video-Games/dp/1942952988?sa-no-redirect=1


Author cjohnson

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